4th of July Montessori Inspired Toddler Shelf

4th of July

Montessori Shelf Inspiration

For Toddlers

While having a whole shelf dedicated to celebrating a theme or holiday isn’t necessarily a part of a Montessori environment, it is a great way to teach several skills. It is also a great way to learn about something new. You can do this all while bringing the excitement and of fun of the holiday or thematic study to life! By including practical life and gross motor activities, you are sure to help your child work on developing their fine motor, sequencing and language skills to name a few.

So gather some red, white and blue materials and put together some fun and engaging shelf work for your child. The shelf that we are showcasing is geared towards children 1-3 years old. We gathered anything red, white and blue from our storage areas and created a fun celebratory shelf. For toddlers, always add balls, some stacking toys and a few cars and you are good to go!

Always take time to show your child how to work with each material and because of their age, play with them and engage them in the activities.

We hope some of the things on our shelf will spark ideas for yours!

Happy 4th of July!