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Montessori Terminology

  This post is short, simple, and sweet. It’s for all you Montessori beginners who are wanting to understand the vocabulary behind the Montessori Philosophy. And it’s also for the Montessori Veterans, who may being wanting a terminology refresher. Linked Below, you can download our “Montessori Terminology” and dive into the words of Montessori.  Montessori […]

Connecting With Nature

Have you ever noticed that children love to be outside?  When my children were little, even before they were walking, they would pull themselves up to our back glass door and bang on it, saying over and over again, “outside, outside!”  Now my grandchildren do the same thing! It was and still is a happy place for all of our family. 

Peace Tables

Every September 21st, many people around the world celebrate International Peace Day. Because Dr. Maria Montessori promoted peace education as an integral part of her innovative curriculum and was herself nominated three times for the Nobel Prize of Peace, we have a very strong reason to celebrate peace not just on September 21st but daily.

Why We Love Montessori

If you are like us, you might not have grown up knowing anything about Montessori philosophy. When each of us discovered the beauty behind a Montessori mindset, we never looked back. If you are just starting your journey or you’re a long time veteran, we wanted to share why we love the Montessori way.